🏐 VNL time-outs, ultimate volleyball mentors, clarity.

The power of elimination

Welcome to The VolleyBrains Weekly. This newsletter is like becoming a better coach without the hassle of actually putting your phone down? 😅

Here's what we've got this week

  • Subtitled VNL Final Time-outs 🔥

  • Glenn Hoag on setting parameters👌

  • The power of elimination 💰

  • The ultimate lesson of coach McLaughlin’s mentors

VNL Final Time-outs - Effective Communication

We love the mics that are up in the face of the coaching staff during the VNL games. (sorry coaches)

Even though not every time-out was comprehensible (due to the ambiance in the hall) we created a time-out video compilation of the VNL Finals played on the 23rd of July between Team USA and Poland.

A sneak peek

Poland won that matchup and took home (well, you know, they were at home already…sorry for this 🙃) the VNL Gold and 1 million dollars of prize money.

Click here to take a look at the compilation.

Access is for VolleyBrains members only.

Reaching your goals 🍁

The overall theme of today’s newsletter (I just figured that out now that the newsletter is ready, hah) is goal setting and clarity.

Coach Hoag dropped an important piece of the puzzle in this clip.

A coach needs to set parameters and measure objectively where they are towards reaching the goal or objective.

And the athlete needs to be aware of these parameters as well.

A deeper insight into Glenn Hoag’s way of working and being a powerhouse coach can be found in our dedicated Masterclass with him.

Want to dive deeper? (Our own sponsored post 😇)

Every coach we have talked to is a constant learner.

VolleyBrains.com is here to support you in your 'never-ending' process of becoming the best coach you can be.

Take a look over here if you want to further invest in your volleyball coaching development.✌️

The power of elimination. 💪

Next up is a conversation between Warren Buffett, business magnate and philanthropist, and his former pilot, Mike Flint.

Taking ‘product placement’ to new levels. 😅

Mike flew planes for Warren Buffett for over a decade. He's also flown for four US Presidents, so let’s say that he knew what he was doing.

One day, he and Buffett talked about goals, and Buffett gave him a 3-step task.

Here’s what they did:

STEP 1: Buffett asked Flint to write down his top 25 goals. Flint thought about it and wrote them down.

STEP 2: Next, Buffett told Flint to pick his 5 most important goals from his list. Flint thought hard and chose his top 5.

STEP 3: Now, Flint had two lists. The 5 he picked were on List A, and the other 20 were on List B.

Flint confirmed that he would start working on his top 5 goals right away. And that’s when Buffett asked him about the second list, “And what about the ones you didn’t circle?”

Flint replied, “Well, the top 5 are my primary focus, but the other 20 come in a close second. They are still important so I’ll work on those intermittently as I see fit. They are not as urgent, but I still plan to give them a dedicated effort.”

To which Buffett replied, “No. You’ve got it wrong, Mike. Everything you didn’t circle just became your Avoid-At-All-Cost list. 

No matter what, these things get no attention from you until you’ve succeeded with your top 5.”

Prioritize your priorities. 🫠

“And they taught us why”.

What Jim McLaughlin told us in our video call about his mentors Carl McGown and Mike Normand encompasses the essence of coaching.

  1. They knew exactly what they wanted to do.

  2. They knew how they wanted to do it.

  3. They knew why.

  4. And they taught us why it was so important for us to do it that way.

Even if you’re still working on 1, 2 or 3…never forget about 4.

Summer schedule for the VolleyBrains Weekly.

You can expect this newsletter to drop in your mailbox every 2 weeks during the summer months. 👍

If you like this newsletter, please forward it to other coaches and players. It only takes you 5 seconds. Can't thank you enough! ❤️

Thanks for your support and slay this week.
