🏐 VNL Finals & Giannelli Magic

To pepper or not.

Welcome to The VolleyBrains Newsletter…

What we’ve got today!

  • Japan is in the final!

  • Doing nasty things…because he can

  • To pepper or not to pepper

  • Masterclass with Francesco Petrella

  • What’s coming up on volleybrains.com?

Japan is in the VNL Final

It’s the VNL Women’s Final today. 

Italy is playing Japan.

This year’s VNL Brazil has been showcasing that they are a definite Olympic Gold medal contender. Their 13-game winning run in this year’s VNL showcased exactly that.

Yesterday they were stunned by an incredible playing Japan. Japan delivered a true volleyball Masterclass.

Check out the matchpoint below to prepare for today’s VNL Women’s Final.

It will go down 30 minutes after this mail hits your inbox. Better be quick. 😊 

Nasty stuff by Simone Giannelli

The MVP of the 2024 Italian Superlega is doing things that MVP’s do in this year’s VNL competition.

Check out our edited clip below for a set of extraordinary actions.

Like we say in my household: “Never waste a good opportunity to bump set your middle.” đŸ˜€ 

To pepper or not to pepper?

Ah, who doesn’t like a good internet discussion? I personally enjoy people getting riled up over these things; it’s my guilty pleasure.

It always goes down in the comment section.

Not even sorry. 😉 

As with everything → context is key.

Masterclass with Francesco Petrella

In 2017 coach Petrella joined sides with Italian master coach Angelo Lorenzetti at Trentino Volley.

This was the start of a 6 year-long mentor-mentee relationship with one of the most respected coaches in the game. Together they won the Italian Championship, the World Club Championships, the CEV Cup, and more...

In this Masterclass coach Petrella talks about:

  • What living the pro coach life really means

  • The crucial elements that go into becoming a winning team

  • How standards, not rules, are necessary for team cohesion

  • How standards are monitored and upheld

  • Which roles and positions are needed in today's game

  • The focus on truth and clarity of reality inside a team

  • Rule changes that would benefit our sport

  • and so much more

What’s coming up on VolleyBrains

Next article will be a practice video session with Nicola Negro.

Nicola is the head coach of the current Brazilian Superlega Champion Gerdau/Minas.

Expect a lot of insights into how they practice and have developed their (now typical) fast paced playing style.

Help me, help you…

I hope some of the advice in this newsletter helps you solve some questions you have about becoming the best volleyball coach you can be.

If you want to further develop yourself with the help of the advice of the best coaches in the world, consider becoming a VolleyBrains member.

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  • 750+ exclusive video clips with top coaches

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Can't thank you enough for reading! ❤️

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.
