🏐 70+ minute practice session with Dave Shondell

Help them achieve their dreams

Welcome to The VolleyBrains *not-Weekly.

What we’ve got today…it’s FIRE

  • 🔥🔥 Practice session with Dave Shondell 🔥🔥

  • Kelly Sheffield’s goals

  • Young coach lessons

  • Help me, help you…

Practice session with Dave Shondell

In the latest VolleyBrains article, Purdue’s head coach Dave Shondell takes us with him into Purdue’s gym.

In this 70+ minutes video session, Dave shows us where Purdue wants to improve and what they are focusing on to start strong in the coming BIG10 season.

He goes into detail on:

  • The process and difficulty of implementing new exercises

  • Purdue's focus on serving reps and serving into the outside seams

  • How to get better at spiking on the right side of the net

  • Their focus on the number of competitive reps to get into a 2-hour time block

  • Getting the right space between the first tempo front and pipe/bic attacks

  • Wanting to get more couples and real serve reps in serve receive

  • and so much more

Preview clips (more previews here):

Shots I want my OH's to take

Out of system gameplay cues

The goods…⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️

Kelly Sheffield’s goals

“We have a responsibility as coaches to help our players max out their talent and their potential” 💪

Keegan Cook: A skill that young coaches need to find.

Young people are very eager to get the next job or do the thing that they're not doing. They have these delusions of grandeur about, Oh, I'm the second assistant, but the first assistant gets to do the recruiting or I'm the first assistant, but the head coach gets to make the decisions.

So they're always looking to what they're not doing and they want to move quickly through the coaching ranks. They're very ambitious.

But what happens is they eventually find themselves in a position where they can't do the job they've been hired for. They move too quickly.

So I think that's a mistake I worry about for young people. That they try and advance too quickly instead of building their own skill sets, right?

I just see those mistakes being made on both ends. Where people are advancing too quickly or thinking about advancing too quickly or they're advancing too slowly and they're not pushing themselves outside their comfort zone.

So to find yourself in the middle of those two things, I think, is a skill that, that young coaches need to find.

Keegan Cook

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